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Kubernetes Essentials#

Interactive Diagram
Working with K8s objects
Log rotation

In order for Kubernetes to pull your container image you need to first push it to an image repository like Docker Hub.
To avoid storing your Docker Hub password unencrypted in $HOME/.docker/config.json when you docker login to your account, use a credentials store. A helper program lets you interact with such a keychain or external store.

If you're doing this on your laptop with Docker Desktop, it already provides a store.
Otherwise, use one of the stores supported by the docker-credential-helper. Now docker login on your terminal or on the Docker Desktop app.

Designing Applications for Kubernetes#

Implements the 12-Factor App Design Methodology and based on a Cloud Guru course. It uses Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa LTS and the Calico network plugin instead of Flannel. Example with 1 control plane node and 2 worker nodes.


Building a Kubernetes Cluster#

Installing kubeadm
Creating a cluster with kubeadm


kubeadm sometimes doesn't work with the latest and greatest version of Docker right away.

kubeadm simplifies the process of setting up a K8s cluster.
containerd manages the complete container lifecycle of its host system, from image transfer and storage to container execution and supervision to low-level storage to network attachments.
kubelet handles running containers on a node.
kubectl is a tool for managing the cluster.

If you wish, you can set an appropriate hostname for each node.
On the control plane node:

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname k8s-control

On the first worker node:

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname k8s-worker1
On the second worker node:
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname k8s-worker2

On all nodes, set up the hosts file to enable all the nodes to reach each other using these hostnames.

sudo nano /etc/hosts

On all nodes, add the following at the end of the file. You will need to supply the actual private IP address for each node.

<control plane node private IP> k8s-control
<worker node 1 private IP> k8s-worker1
<worker node 2 private IP> k8s-worker2

Log out of all three servers and log back in to see these changes take effect.

On all nodes, set up containerd. You will need to load some kernel modules and modify some system settings as part of this process.

# Enable them when the server start up
cat << EOF | sudo tee /etc/modules-load.d/containerd.conf

# Enable them right now without having to restart the server
sudo modprobe overlay
sudo modprobe br_netfilter

# Add network configurations K8s will need
cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/99-kubernetes-cri.conf
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 1
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 1

# Apply them immediately
sudo sysctl --system

Install and configure containerd.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y containerd
sudo mkdir -p /etc/containerd
# Generate the contents of a default config file and save it
sudo containerd config default | sudo tee /etc/containerd/config.toml
# Restart containerd to make sure it's using that configuration
sudo systemctl restart containerd

On all nodes, disable swap.

sudo swapoff -a
On all nodes, install kubeadm, kubelet, and kubectl.
# Some required packages
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https curl
# Set up the package repo for K8s packages. Download the key for the repo and add it
curl -s | sudo apt-key add -
# Configure the repo
cat << EOF | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
deb kubernetes-xenial main
sudo apt-get update
# Install the K8s packages. Make sure the versions for all 3 are the same.
sudo apt-get install -y kubelet=1.24.0-00 kubeadm=1.24.0-00 kubectl=1.24.0-00
# Make sure they're not automatically upgraded. Have manual control over when to update K8s
sudo apt-mark hold kubelet kubeadm kubectl

On the control plane node only, initialize the cluster and set up kubectl access.

sudo kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr --kubernetes-version 1.24.0
# Config File to authenticate and interact with the cluster with kubectl commands
# These are in the output of the previous step
mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

Verify the cluster is working. It will be in Not Ready status because we haven't configured the networking plugin.

kubectl get nodes

Install the Calico network add-on.

kubectl apply -f

Get the join command (this command is also printed during kubeadm init . Feel free to simply copy it from there).

kubeadm token create --print-join-command

Copy the join command from the control plane node. Run it on each worker node as root (i.e. with sudo ).

sudo kubeadm join ...

On the control plane node, verify all nodes in your cluster are ready. Note that it may take a few moments for all of the nodes to enter the READY state.

kubectl get nodes

Installing Docker#

Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu
Docker credentials store to avoid storing your Docker Hub password unencrypted in $HOME/.docker/config.json when you docker login and docker push your images.

On the system that will build Docker images from source code e.g. a CI server, install and configure Docker.
For simplicity we'll use the control plane server just so we don't have to create another server for this exercise.

Create a docker group. Users in this group will have permission to use Docker on the system:

sudo groupadd docker

Install required packages.
Note: Some of these packages may already be present on the system, but including them here will not cause any problems:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release

Set up the Docker GPG key and package repository:

curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null

Install the Docker Engine:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli
# Type N (default) or enter to keep your current containerd configuration

Test the Docker setup:

sudo docker version

Add cloud_user to the docker group in order to give cloud_user access to use Docker:

sudo usermod -aG docker cloud_user
Log out of the server and log back in.
Test your setup:
docker version

I. Codebase#

One codebase tracked in revision control, many deploys

Keep your codebase in a version control system like Git. There's a one-to-one relationship between the codebase and the app.
If there are multiple codebases it's not an app - it's a distributed system where each component is an app.
Factor shared code into libraries which can be included through the dependency manager.
A deploy is a running instance of the app.

Your apps can be implemented as containers/pods, built and deployed independently of other apps.

II. Dependencies#

Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies

Don't rely on implicit existence of system-wide packages. Declare all dependencies, completely and exactly, via a dependency declaration manifest. With containers, your app and its dependencies are deployed as a unit, allowing it to run almost anywhere - a desktop, a traditional IT infrastructure, or the cloud.

III. Config#

Store config in the environment

ConfigMaps and Secrets#


Encrypting Secret Data at Rest

Create a production Namespace:

kubectl create namespace production

Get base64-encoded strings for a db username and password:

echo -n my_user | base64
echo -n my_password | base64

Example: Create a ConfigMap and Secret to configure the backing service connection information for the app, including the base64-encoded credentials:

cat > my-app-config.yml <<End-of-message 
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: my-app-config
data: "my-app-mongodb"
  mongodb.port: "27017"


apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: my-app-secure-config
type: Opaque
  mongodb.username: dWxvZV91c2Vy
  mongodb.password: SUxvdmVUaGVMaXN0


kubectl apply -f my-app-config.yml -n production

Create a temporary Pod to test the configuration setup. Note that you need to supply your Docker Hub username as part of the image name in this file. This passes configuration data in env variables but you could also do it in files that will show up on the containers filesystem.

cat > test-pod.yml <<End-of-message

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: test-pod
  - name: my-app-server
    image: <YOUR_DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME>/my-app-server:0.0.1
    - name: web
      containerPort: 3001
      protocol: TCP
    - name: MONGODB_HOST
          name: my-app-config
    - name: MONGODB_PORT
          name: my-app-config
          key: mongodb.port
    - name: MONGODB_USER
          name: my-app-secure-config
          key: mongodb.username
          name: my-app-secure-config
          key: mongodb.password


kubectl apply -f test-pod.yml -n production

Check the logs to verify the config data is being passed to the container:

kubectl logs test-pod -n production

Clean up the test pod:

kubectl delete pod test-pod -n production --force

IV. Backing services#

Treat backing services as attached resources

Makes no distinction between local and third party services. To the app, both are attached resources, accessed via a URL or other locator/credentials stored in the config. You should be able to swap out a local MySQL database with one managed by a third party (such as Amazon RDS) without any changes to the app’s code.

By implementing attached resources as containers/pods you achieve loose coupling between those resources and the deploy they are attached to.

V. Build, release, run#

Strictly separate build and run stages

Build, Release, Run with Docker and Deployments#

Labels and Selectors

Example: After you docker build and docker push your image to a repository, create a deployment file for your app. The selector selects pods that have the specified label name and value.
template is the pod template.
This example puts 2 containers in the same pod for simplicity but in the real world you'll want separate deployments to scale them independently.

cat > my-app.yml <<End-of-message
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: my-app-config
data: "my-app-mongodb"
  mongodb.port: "27017"
  .env: |


apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: my-app-secure-config
type: Opaque
  mongodb.username: dWxvZV91c2Vy
  mongodb.password: SUxvdmVUaGVMaXN0


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: my-app-svc
  type: NodePort
    app: my-app
  - name: frontend
    protocol: TCP
    port: 30080
    nodePort: 30080
    targetPort: 5000
  - name: server
    protocol: TCP
    port: 30081
    nodePort: 30081
    targetPort: 3001


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-app
  replicas: 1
      app: my-app
        app: my-app
      - name: my-app-server
        image: <Your Docker Hub username>/my-app-server:0.0.1
        - name: web
          containerPort: 3001
          protocol: TCP
        - name: MONGODB_HOST
              name: my-app-config
        - name: MONGODB_PORT
              name: my-app-config
              key: mongodb.port
        - name: MONGODB_USER
              name: my-app-secure-config
              key: mongodb.username
        - name: MONGODB_PASSWORD
              name: my-app-secure-config
              key: mongodb.password
      - name: my-app-frontend
        image: <Your Docker Hub username>/my-app-frontend:0.0.1
        - name: web
          containerPort: 5000
          protocol: TCP
        - name: frontend-config
          mountPath: /usr/src/app/.env
          subPath: .env
          readOnly: true
      - name: frontend-config
          name: my-app-config
          - key: .env
            path: .env

Deploy the app.

kubectl apply -f my-app.yml -n production

Create a new container image version to test the rollout process:

docker tag <Your Docker Hub username>/my-app-frontend:0.0.1 <Your Docker Hub username>/my-app-frontend:0.0.2
docker push <Your Docker Hub username>/my-app-frontend:0.0.2

Edit the app manifest my-app.yml to use the 0.0.2 image version and then:

kubectl apply -f my-app.yml -n production

Get the list of Pods to see the new version rollout:

kubectl get pods -n production

VI. Processes#

Execute the app as one or more stateless processes

Processes with stateless containers#

Security Context

Edit the app deployment my-app.yml. In the deployment Pod spec, add a new emptyDir volume under volumes:

- name: added-items-log
  emptyDir: {}

Mount the volume to the server container:

- name: my-app-server
  - name: added-items-log
    mountPath: /usr/src/app/added_items.log
    subPath: added_items.log
    readOnly: false

Make the container file system read only:

- name: my-app-server
    readOnlyRootFilesystem: true

Deploy the changes:

kubectl apply -f my-app.yml -n production

Persistent Volumes#

Persistent Volumes (PV)
local PV

Create a StorageClass that supports volume expansion as localdisk-sc.yml

kind: StorageClass
  name: localdisk
allowVolumeExpansion: true
kubectl create -f localdisk-sc.yml

persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy says how storage can be reused when the volume's associated claims are deleted.

  • Retain: Keeps all data. An admin must manually clean up and prepare the resource for reuse.
  • Recycle: Automatically deletes all data, allowing the volume to be reused.
  • Delete: Deletes underlying storage resource automatically (applies to cloud only).

accessModes can be:

  • ReadWriteOnce: The volume can be mounted as read-write by a single node. Still can allow multiple pods to access the volume when the pods are running on the same node.
  • ReadOnlyMany: Can be mounted as read-only by many nodes.
  • ReadWriteMany: Can be mounted as read-write by many nodes.
  • ReadWriteOncePod: Can be mounted as read-write by a single Pod. Use ReadWriteOncePod access mode if you want to ensure that only one pod across whole cluster can read that PVC or write to it. This is only supported for CSI volumes.

Create a PersistentVolume in my-pv.yml.

kind: PersistentVolume
apiVersion: v1
  name: my-pv
  storageClassName: localdisk
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Recycle
    storage: 1Gi
    - ReadWriteOnce
    path: /var/output
kubectl create -f my-pv.yml

Check the status of the PersistentVolume.

kubectl get pv

Create a PersistentVolumeClaim that will bind to the PersistentVolume as my-pvc.yml

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: my-pvc
  storageClassName: localdisk
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 100Mi
kubectl create -f my-pvc.yml

Check the status of the PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim to verify that they have been bound.

kubectl get pv
kubectl get pvc

Create a Pod that uses the PersistentVolumeClaim as pv-pod.yml.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: pv-pod
  restartPolicy: Never
  - name: busybox
    image: busybox
    command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo Success! > /output/success.txt']
    - name: pv-storage
      mountPath: /output
  - name: pv-storage
      claimName: my-pvc
kubectl create -f pv-pod.yml

Expand the PersistentVolumeClaim and record the process.

kubectl edit pvc my-pvc --record
      storage: 200Mi

Delete the Pod and the PersistentVolumeClaim.

kubectl delete pod pv-pod
kubectl delete pvc my-pvc

Check the status of the PersistentVolume to verify that it has been successfully recycled and is available again.

kubectl get pv

VII. Port binding#

Export services via port binding

Port Binding with Pods#

Cluster Networking


Challenge: Only 1 process can listen on a port per host. So how do all apps on the host use a unique port?

  • In K8s, each pod has its own network namespace and cluster IP address.
  • That IP address is unique within the cluster even if there are multiple worker nodes in the cluster. That means ports only need to be unique within each pod.
  • Two pods can listen on the same port because they each have their own unique IP address within the cluster network.
  • The pods can communicate across nodes simply using the unique IPs.

Get a list of Pods in the production namespace:

kubectl get pods -n production -o wide

Copy the name of the IP address of the application Pod.
Example: Use the IP address to make a request to the port on the Pod that serves the frontend content:

curl <Pod Cluster IP address>:5000

VIII. Concurrency#

Scale out via the process model

Concurrency with Containers and Scaling#


By using services to manage access to the app, the service automaticaly picks up the additional pods created during scaling and route traffic to those pods. When you have services alongside deployments you can dynamically change the number of replicas that you have and K8s will take care of everything.

Edit the application deployment my-app.yml.
Change the number of replicas to 3:

replicas: 3

Apply the changes:

kubectl apply -f my-app.yml -n production

Get a list of Pods:

kubectl get pods -n production

Scale the deployment up again in my-app.yml.
Change the number of replicas to 5:

replicas: 5

Apply the changes:

kubectl apply -f my-app .yml -n production

Get a list of Pods:

kubectl get pods -n production

IX. Disposability#

Maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful shutdown

Disposability with Stateless Containers#

Security Context
Pod Lifecycle

Deployments can be used to maintain a specified number of running replicas automatically replacing pods that fail or are deleted.

Get a list of Pods:

kubectl get pods -n production

Locate one of the Pods from the my-app deployment and copy the Pod's name.
Delete the Pod using the Pod name:

kubectl delete pod <Pod name> -n production

Get the list of Pods again. You will notice that the deployment is automatically creating a new Pod to replace the one that was deleted:

kubectl get pods -n production

X. Dev/prod parity#

Keep development, staging, and production as similar as possible

Dev/Prod Parity with Namespaces#


K8s namespaces allow us to have multiple environments in the same cluster. A namespace is like a virtual cluster.

Create a new namespace:

kubectl create namespace dev

Make a copy of the my-app app YAML:

cp my-app.yml my-app-dev.yml

NodePort services need to be unique within the cluster. We need to choose unique ports so dev doesn't conflict with production.
Edit the my-app-svc service in the my-app-dev.yml file to select different nodePorts. You will also need to edit the my-app-config ConfigMap to reflect the new port. Set the nodePorts on the service:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: my-app-svc
  type: NodePort
    app: my-app
  - name: frontend
    protocol: TCP
    port: 30082
    nodePort: 30082
    targetPort: 5000
  - name: server
    protocol: TCP
    port: 30083
    nodePort: 30083
    targetPort: 3001

Update the configured port in the ConfigMap:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: my-app-config
data: "my-app-mongodb"
  mongodb.port: "27017"
  .env: |

Deploy the backing service setup in the new namespace:

kubectl apply -f k8s-my-app-mongodb.yml -n dev
kubectl apply -f my-app-mongodb.yml -n dev

Deploy the app in the new namespace:

kubectl apply -f my-app-dev.yml -n dev
Check the status of the Pods:
kubectl get pods -n dev

Once all the Pods are up and running, you should be able to test the dev environment in a browser at

<Control Plane Node Public IP>:30082

XI. Logs#

Treat logs as event streams

Logs with K8s Container Logging#

Logging Architecture
Kubectl cheatsheet

K8s captures log data written to stdout by containers. We can use the K8s API, kubectl logs or external tools to interact with container logs.

Edit the source code for the server e.g. src/server/index.js. There is a log function that writes to a file. Change this function to simply write log data to the console:

log = function(data) {

Build a new server image because we changed the source code:

docker build -t <Your Docker Hub username>/my-app-server:0.0.4 --target server .

Push the image:

docker push <Your Docker Hub username>/my-app-server:0.0.4

Deploy the new code. Edit my-app.yml. Change the image version for the server to the new image:

- name: my-app-server
  image: <Your Docker Hub username>/my-app-server:0.0.4

kubectl apply -f my-app.yml -n production

Get a list of Pods:

kubectl get pods -n production

Copy the name of one of the my-app deployment Pods and view its logs specifying the pod, namespace, and container.

kubectl logs <Pod name> -n production -c my-app-server

XII. Admin processes#

Run admin/management tasks as one-off processes

Admin Processes with Jobs#


A Job e.g. a database migration runs a container until its execution completes. Jobs handle re-trying execution if it fails.
Jobs have a restartPolicy of Never because once they complete they don't run again. This example adds the administrative job to the server image but you could package it into its own image.

Edit the source code for the admin process in e.g. src/jobs/deDeuplicateJob.js.
Locate the block of code that begins with // Setup MongoDb backing database .
Change the code to make the database connection configurable:

// Setup MongoDb backing database
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient
// MongoDB credentials
const username = encodeURIComponent(process.env.MONGODB_USER || "my-app_user");
const password = encodeURIComponent(process.env.MONGODB_PASSWORD || "ILoveTheList");
// MongoDB connection info
const mongoPort = process.env.MONGODB_PORT || 27017;
const mongoHost = process.env.MONGODB_HOST || 'localhost';
// MongoDB connection string
const mongoURI = `mongodb://${username}:${password}@${mongoHost}:${mongoPort}/my-app`;
const mongoURISanitized = `mongodb://${username}:****@${mongoHost}:${mongoPort}/my-app`;
console.log("MongoDB connection string %s", mongoURISanitized);
const client = new MongoClient(mongoURI);

Edit the Dockerfile to include the admin job code in the server image.
Add the following line after the other COPY directives for the server image:

COPY --from=build /usr/src/app/src/jobs .

Build and push the server image:

docker build -t <Your Docker Hub username>/my-app-server:0.0.5 --target server .
docker push <Your Docker Hub username>/my-app-server:0.0.5

Create a Kubernetes Job to run the admin job: Create de-duplicate-job.yml. Supply your Docker Hub username in the image tag:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: de-duplicate
      - name: my-app-server
        image: <Your Docker Hub username>/my-app-server:0.0.5
        command: ["node", "deDeuplicateJob.js"]
        - name: MONGODB_HOST
              name: my-app-config
        - name: MONGODB_PORT
              name: my-app-config
              key: mongodb.port
        - name: MONGODB_USER
              name: my-app-secure-config
              key: mongodb.username
        - name: MONGODB_PASSWORD
              name: my-app-secure-config
              key: mongodb.password
      restartPolicy: Never
  backoffLimit: 4

Run the Job:

kubectl apply -f de-duplicate-job.yml -n production

Check the Job status:

kubectl get jobs -n production
Get the name of the Job Pod:
kubectl get pods -n production

Use the Pod name to view the logs for the Job Pod:

kubectl logs <Pod name> -n production

Kubernetes Dashboard#

kubectl apply -f
cat << EOF > dashboard-adminuser.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: admin-user
  namespace: kubernetes-dashboard


kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: admin-user
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-admin
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: admin-user
  namespace: kubernetes-dashboard

kubectl apply -f dashboard-adminuser.yaml

kubectl proxy
# Kubectl will make Dashboard available at 
# http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kubernetes-dashboard/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/

kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard create token admin-user
# Now copy the token and paste it into the Enter token field on the login screen. 


You can package your charts and publish them on a repository, which can be any HTTP server. Use the name of the folder containing your Chart.yaml file.

helm package ./mychart
Move the package to your HTTP server e.g. a GitHub Pages site based on a charts repo.
mv *.tgz ~/github/USER/charts
helm repo index ~/github/USER/charts
# [commit and push to GitHub]

You can then list your charts repo on the CNCF Artifact Hub. You can search for charts on the website or via the command line:

helm search hub [KEYWORD] --list-repo-url --max-col-width [uint] -o [table|json|yaml]
For example, to search for any speedtest charts in the default hub (Artifact Hub):
helm search hub speedtest --list-repo-url --max-col-width 55 -o table

Referencing services#

"Normal" (not headless) Services are assigned DNS A and/or AAAA records, depending on the IP family or families of the Service, with a name of the form:
This resolves to the cluster IP of the Service.

Headless Services (without a cluster IP) Services are also assigned DNS A and/or AAAA records, with a name of the form:
Unlike normal Services, this resolves to the set of IPs of all of the Pods selected by the Service.
Clients are expected to consume the set or else use standard round-robin selection from the set.

By default, a client Pod's DNS search list includes the Pod's own namespace and the cluster's default domain.
A pod in another namespace can resolve either:
<service-name>.<namespace> or

About Bitnami charts#

They create a default fully qualified app name common.names.fullname. The RabbitMQ Service uses it as its name. They truncate at 63 chars because some Kubernetes name fields are limited to this (by the DNS naming spec).
If the release name contains the chart name it will be used as a full name. By default it's
<Release Name>-<Chart Name>.