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Suitable for Raspberry Pi and other lightweight environments. Learn more.


  1. Set up your Raspberry Pi devices with cloud-init as defined in the Raspberry Pi section.
  2. Assign static IPs to all the nodes.
  3. sudo nano /etc/hosts on each node and add the IP and hostnames of the other nodes so they can resolve during the join process.


MicroK8s is not available for 32-bit architectures like armhf(arm/v7), only on 64-bit architectures like arm64 and amd64.

If your OS doesn't already include it, install snap before installing MicroK8s.

On each node
sudo apt update
sudo apt install snapd
sudo reboot
# ...reconnect after reboot
sudo snap install core


  1. Add all nodes to the cluster.

    On the control plane node
    microk8s add-node
    You can add it as a worker-only node
    On each node you want to add to the cluster
    microk8s join $JOIN_STRING --worker

    On the control plane node
    microk8s kubectl get no
  2. Connect the MicroK8s cluster to an external Ceph cluster or deploy Ceph to your MicroK8s cluster. We'll use Rook Ceph to operate the Ceph cluster.

    On the control plane
    microk8s enable rook-ceph # installs crds.yaml, common.yaml, operator.yaml
    microk8s kubectl --namespace rook-ceph get pods -l "app=rook-ceph-operator"
    # wait for the operator pod to be `Running`

    Option 1 - If you set up an external MicroCeph cluster:

    On the control plane node
    sudo microk8s connect-external-ceph
    Now you can create a pod that uses the ceph-rdb storage class, which uses the microk8s-rbd0 pool.

    Option 2 - To deploy Ceph on the MicroK8s cluster using storage from the k8s nodes

    On the control plane node
    # if you want `dataDirHostPath` to specify where config and data should be stored for each of the services
    microk8s enable hostpath-storage
    Create the cluster and storage resources like in these examples. You'll probably want a customized version to match your environment.
    On the control plane node
    microk8s kubectl apply -f cluster.yaml
    microk8s kubectl get CephCluster -A # wait for the cluster to be `Ready`
    # block devices    
    microk8s kubectl apply -f storageclass.yaml
    microk8s kubectl apply -f storageclass-ec.yaml
    microk8s kubectl get CephBlockPool -A
    microk8s kubectl get StorageClass -A
    If the CephBlockPool creation fails, see here.

    (Optional) It's good to install the Rook toolbox container for running Ceph commands.

    microk8s kubectl apply -f toolbox.yaml
    # Wait for the toolbox pod to download its container and get to the running state:
    microk8s kubectl -n rook-ceph rollout status deploy/rook-ceph-tools
    # Connect to it:
    microk8s kubectl -n rook-ceph exec -it deploy/rook-ceph-tools -- bash
    # you can use e.g. ceph status, ceph osd status, ceph osd pool stats, ceph df, rados df


On the control plane node
# Check if MicroK8s is intalled and running with the addons enabled
microk8s status --wait-ready
microk8s kubectl cluster-info
microk8s kubectl get all --all-namespaces
watch microk8s kubectl get all

# How to stop/start
microk8s reset
microk8s stop
microk8s start

# Add-on examples:
microk8s enable metrics-server
microk8s enable ingress
microk8s enable dashboard

# If you ever want to update MicroK8s to another channel. Tip: use a specific channel number.
snap info microk8s
sudo snap refresh microk8s --channel=latest/stable

# storage classes
microk8s kubectl get sc -A
microk8s kubectl describe sc -A

alias mkctl="microk8s kubectl"
alias mkhelm="microk8s helm"
mkctl version --output=yaml

# Arguments for log rotation `--container-log-max-files` and `--container-log-max-size`. They have default values. 
cat /var/snap/microk8s/current/args/kubelet
More info.

Deploying workloads#

# StorageClass is ceph-rbd or rook-ceph-block, depending on your setup.
cat << EOF > pod.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: pod-pvc
  storageClassName: ceph-rbd
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 5Gi


apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nginx
    - name: nginx-vol
        claimName: pod-pvc
    - name: nginx
      image: nginx:latest
        - containerPort: 80
        - name: nginx-vol
          mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html

microk8s kubectl apply -f pod.yaml

microk8s kubectl get pvc -A # pvc status should be `Bound`
microk8s kubectl get pod

microk8s kubectl describe pvc pod-pvc
microk8s kubectl describe pod nginx

microk8s kubectl exec -it nginx -- bash

microk8s kubectl delete -f pod.yaml # cleanup

Other SBCs/OSs#


Your boot parameters file might be in /boot/cmdline.txt or in /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt. Find it with sudo find /boot -name cmdline.txt.


On Orange Pi boards cgroups are handled in /boot/boot.cmd by checking:
if test "${docker_optimizations}" = "on".

Don't edit this file, instead sudo nano /boot/orangepiEnv.txt and set docker_optimizations to on.


If RBAC is not enabled access the dashboard using the token retrieved with:

microk8s kubectl describe secret -n kube-system microk8s-dashboard-token
Use this token in the https login UI of the kubernetes-dashboard service. In an RBAC enabled setup (microk8s enable rbac) you need to create a user with restricted permissions as shown here.

To access remotely from outside the cluster:

Option A: port-forward#

Note: kubectl port-forward does not return. To type other commands, you'll need to open another terminal.

microk8s kubectl port-forward -n kube-system service/kubernetes-dashboard 10443:443 --address
You can then access the Dashboard with IP or hostname and the forwarded port as in

Option B: NodePort#

Make the dashboard service a NodePort service by changing type: ClusterIP to type: NodePort.

KUBE_EDITOR=nano microk8s kubectl -n kube-system edit service kubernetes-dashboard
# If using vim:
# Enter insert mode with i
# Enter command mode with esc 
# :q! to abort changes 
# :wq to save and exit

microk8s kubectl -n kube-system get service kubernetes-dashboard
You can then access the Dashboard with IP or hostname and the automatically assigned NodePort as in


Registry doc

microk8s enable registry
The containerd daemon used by MicroK8s is configured to trust this insecure registry. To upload images we have to tag them with localhost:32000/your-image before pushing them.

Other storage addons:#

I recommend Ceph for block, file, and object storage but if you want alternatives:


Prerequisite knowledge: Huge Pages NVMe over Fabrics (NVMe-oF)

Enable: Mayastor
Mayastor will run for all nodes in your MicroK8s cluster by default.

microk8s enable core/mayastor --default-pool-size 20G

# For Mayastor OpenEBS
# On first boot, the etcd-operator-mayastor pod may be stuck in CrashLoopBackOff state until you reboot
microk8s kubectl get pod -n mayastor 
microk8s kubectl get diskpool -n mayastor



Enable: MinIO

Usage: microk8s enable minio [OPTIONS]

   -h               Print this help message  
   -k               Do not create default tenant  
   -s STORAGECLASS  Storage class to use for the default tenant (default: microk8s-hostpath)  
   -c CAPACITY      Capacity of the default tenant (default: 20Gi)  
   -n SERVERS       Servers of the default tenant (default: 1)  
   -v VOLUMES       Volumes of the default tenant (default: 1)  
   -t TENANTNAME    Name of the default tenant (default: microk8s)  
   -T               Enable TLS for the default tenant (default: disabled)  
   -p               Enable Prometheus for the default tenant (default: disabled)  
   -r REPOSITORY    Minio Operator GitHub repository (default:  
   -V VERSION       Minio Operator version (default: 4.5.1)  
Example with 1 server and 1 volume per server (volumes should be a multiple of servers):
microk8s enable minio -c 100Gi

# Create a port-forward for the MinIO console with:
microk8s kubectl-minio proxy

Filesystem type to use:

Check status for tenant named microk8s

sudo microk8s kubectl-minio tenant status microk8s


  • I want to check all k8s endpoints or inspect the instance.
    microk8s kubectl get endpoints -A
    microk8s inspect
  • For other issues see
  • View logs
    sudo ls -al /var/snap/microk8s/common/var/log
  • Common issues
    On the control plane
     # Inspect the Rook operator container’s logs:
    microk8s kubectl -n rook-ceph logs -l app=rook-ceph-operator
    # Inspect the ceph-mgr container’s logs:
    microk8s kubectl -n rook-ceph logs -l app=rook-ceph-mgr
    # To view all resources not included in kubectl get all
    microk8s kubectl api-resources --verbs=list --namespaced -o name | xargs -n 1 microk8s kubectl get --ignore-not-found --show-kind -n rook-ceph-external
    microk8s kubectl api-resources --verbs=list --namespaced -o name | xargs -n 1 microk8s kubectl get --ignore-not-found --show-kind -n rook-ceph
    # secrets
    microk8s kubectl get secret rook-csi-rbd-provisioner -n $ROOK_NAMESPACE -o jsonpath='{.data.userID}' | base64 --decode ;echo
    microk8s kubectl get secret rook-csi-rbd-provisioner -n $ROOK_NAMESPACE -o jsonpath='{.data.userKey}' | base64 --decode ;echo
    microk8s kubectl get secret rook-csi-rbd-node -n $ROOK_NAMESPACE -o jsonpath='{.data.userID}' | base64 --decode ;echo
    microk8s kubectl get secret rook-csi-rbd-node -n $ROOK_NAMESPACE -o jsonpath='{.data.userKey}' | base64 --decode ;echo
  • Pods stuck in ImagePullBackOff. Errors pulling images or other resources.
    Make sure the nodes are not running avahi-daemon as it messes with name resolution. Check if you're able to pull an image with k8s crictl or MicroK8s ctr.
    microk8s ctr image ls
    microk8s ctr image pull
  • Connecting an external Ceph cluster to MicroK8s throws Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: failed to download "rook-release/rook-ceph-cluster".
    microk8s helm pull rook-release/rook-ceph-cluster
    microk8s helm install rook-ceph-external rook-ceph-cluster-v1.12.7.tgz -n rook-ceph-external
    # If you wish to delete this cluster and start fresh, you will also have to wipe the OSD disks using `sfdisk`